“A route to market? A trade store? A better version of Eebria? “
All are answers we often hear when we ask breweries what they think Sellar is after they’ve applied for access, and the reason I think we’ve had a hard time answering this question is that… we’re building something quite different for the industry.
When we started Sellar, we understood the problems we were setting out to solve. We were also very clear on our mission of building the best trade-selling experience for craft breweries but, we didn’t know what exactly that something would become.
And because Sellar, whatever that is, is constantly evolving, the answer to ‘what is Sellar?’ has shifted over time too.
To help with the challenge we’ve had in answering this question, we even recently invented a new word to represent the future that we are striving to build → Sellar is: The Marketspace for Craft Beer.